Fall 2018 Teaching Schedule
This is not a complete collection of information for these courses. Current student should direct themselves to the moodle page for up-to-date information. You can find me in Martin Science 413 at the following times:
Official Office Hours: 9:15am-12:00pm Tuesday and Thursday
Hours that I am likely to be available: 12:00pm-3:00pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Math 241: Linear Algebra
MWF: 11:00am-11:50am
Martin Science 508
Magic Carpet Assignment
Mathematica Assignment 1
Class Photos:
Exam review presentations.
Math 331: Differential Equations
TTh: 8:00am-9:15am
Martin Science 323
Modeling Projects
Class Photos:
Modeling death and migration in a population.
Daily presentations.
Group work.
FInal Presentations.
Final Presentations.